Everyone is welcome at the Turchin Center and every effort is made to accommodate the needs of all guests. All museum entrances and floors are accessible to visitors using wheeled devices or who have mobility challenges.
Handicapped parking is available in the parking lot directly behind the Turchin Center. This lot can be accessed from King Street via the drive between the Turchin Center and the First Baptist Church. If spaces are not available, please call Visitor Services at 828.262.3017 for assistance. Vehicles displaying a valid handicapped hangtag can park in any downtown Boone parking space and are not required to feed the meter.
The main entrance can be accessed from King Street via a ramp located to the left of the entrance plaza. Patrons can be dropped off at the parking lot directly behind the Turchin Center in close proximity to the ground level lecture hall entrance and take the elevator to the main lobby.
Elevators are located in both wings, and provide access to all floors in the buildings.
Restrooms are located in both wings and all restrooms are wheelchair-accessible.
Manual wheelchairs are available at the front desk at no cost and on a first-come, first-served basis.
Service animals
Only service animals under the American’s with Disabilities Act are permitted in the Turchin Center. Comprehensive information regarding animals on campus can be found in the Animals on Campus policy.
For assistance
Stop by the reception desk in the Main Lobby or ask a student gallery ambassador if you have questions or a specific need. If, prior to your visit, you have questions or require additional accommodations, please contact Visitor Services at 828.262.3017.

Sensory bags
Sensory support accessories are available for use while visiting the galleries. What’s in the bag?!
- Headphones
- Fidget Spinner
- Koosh Ball
- Liquid Bubble Timer
- Marble Fidget Tube
- Multi-coloredFidget Tangle
- Silicone Brush
- Squishy Stress Ball
- Sunglasses
- Weighted Worm