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/ Exhibitions / The 86th National Watercolor Exhibition 2006

The 86th National Watercolor Exhibition 2006

February 2, 2007 – March 17, 2007(This exhibition has passed.)

The National Watercolor Society’s annual traveling exhibition was established to present the best of water media painting. Works selected represent a wide range of directions and techniques, from experimental to traditional. At the core of the exhibition’s goals is the encouragement of support for watercolor as a vital, enduring and expressive medium.

In recognition of the artists’ achievements and in celebration of the Turchin Center’s exhibition, Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff is supplying an award gift package to each of the exhibiting artists. Both Cheap Joe’s and its founder Joe Miller have contributed greatly to ensure that the important tradition of water media painting continues to thrive, and that artists embrace their own creativity and individuality when working with water media.

Turchin Center building
John Salminen, Cadillac Sign – Times Square. Watercolor, 25″ x 35″. National Watercolor Society Purchase Award, with Silver Star. Exhibited as part of the 85th National Watercolor Exhibition 2005.

John Salminen, Cadillac Sign – Times Square. Watercolor, 25″ x 35″. National Watercolor Society Purchase Award, with Silver Star. Exhibited as part of the 85th National Watercolor Exhibition 2005.