Drawing … the term brings to mind formal concepts such as line, volume, shading, rhythm and images of delicately pencil-rendered scenes or maybe a heavy, charcoal, expressionistic rendering of the human form. These are important aspects of drawing but, like other media, it has expanded to include unusual materials and approaches. This exhibition focuses on contemporary artists for whom drawing is a major emphasis of their work, and a major goal of this exhibition is to present a wide range of approaches to drawing.
While researching this exhibition, the staff was inspired by the diversity of work – from the more explorative and experimental to the materials and techniques with which we were more familiar. Throughout the research we were constantly pleased to find skilled and creative artists continuing to make drawing a vital and dynamic approach to image making.

Exhibiting artists
- Steven Robert Barich (www.srbarich.com)
- Pat Brentano (www.patbrentano.com)
- Cathy Daley (www.cathydaley.com / www.ccca.ca)
- Lori Field (www.lorifieldfineart.com)
- Daphne Gerou (www.propellerctr.com/proplr-docs/daphne-g01.html)
- Paul Harcharik (www.lindahodgesgallery.com/artists/harcharik.html)
- Carol Hopper (afonline.artistsspace.org/view_artist.php?aid=221)
- Elizabeth Leger (www.cca.edu/academics/core/faculty/eleger)
- Monika Malewska (www.neoimages.net/artistportfolio.aspx?pid=1479)
- Rob Matthews (www.galleryjoe.com)
- Heeseop Yoon (www.marchgallery.com/artist.php?artist=heeseop%20yoon)
- Deborah Zlotsky (www.deborahzlotsky.com)