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/ Exhibitions / Isaac Wingfield: Subway Encounters Are My New York City Contra Dance

Isaac Wingfield: Subway Encounters Are My New York City Contra Dance

September 1, 2006 – September 30, 2006(This exhibition has passed.)

Isaac Wingfield is a Senior in Appalachian State University’s Department of Technology. In 2003 he was a finalist for the College Photographer of the Year Award, and was Scholastic Art Silver Photography Portfolio Award at the National Level in 2002. Of this body of work the artist says, “When the rules of a place dictate that our super-sized American personal space is constantly broached, the outcome is never boring. This is certainly the case with both New York’s public transportation system, especially the subways, and Western North Carolina’s contra dances. Both of these places have influenced who and how I am. I love the unpredictable nature of these encounters during the dance of life. While riding the subway during a three-month stay in New York City, I was struck by the similarities between my brief encounters with people on the subway and the dance floor.”

Turchin Center building