Mój Drugi Świat / My Second World: The Polish Painting Collection of Chris Sztyber is the second of five exhibitions in the International Focus Series I-V: 21 Szutka: Contemporary Art of Poland. Instead of one long exhibition, this year’s international focus will present a series of five shows presenting a multilayered viewpoint of the different aspects of contemporary Polish art from photography, painting, installation, graphic arts to fashion from July 2012 to June 2013.

About the collector
Chris Sztyber is not a typical person. He does not have the immigrant complex. He puts up paintings wherever he likes. He talks to them often. He is not like other collectors. He is not a snob. He dreams about a contemporary Polish painting exhibition traveling around the world.
Featured artists
Kiejstut Bereźnicki, Krystyna Brzechwa, Zbigniew Cebula, Joźef Czapski, Jerzy Duda-Gracz, Wojciech Fangor, Zbylut Grzywacz, Kazimierz Kalkowski, Aleksander Kobzdej, Antoni Kowalski, Andrzej Kozyra, Hilary Krzysztofiak, Jan Lebenstein, Piotr Lucjan, Zbyslaw Maciejewski, Eugeniusz Markowski, Henryk Musiałowicz, Kazimierz Ostrowski, Jacek Pałucha, Artur Popek, Janusz Przybylski, Barbara Przyluska, Elzbieta Sikorska , Judyta Sobel, Franciszek Starowieyski, Grzegorz Stec, Marc Sterling, Andrzej Strumillo, Jan Szancenbach, Alina Szapocznikow, Andrzej Umiastowski, Jacek Wojciechowski, Leszek Wyczólkowski, Frayciszek Starowzeyski, and Wojciech Kopczyński.