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In One: Siping Zhang

July 7, 2017 – October 7, 2017(This exhibition has passed.)

Siping Zhang is a visiting artist/scholar in the Department of Art at Appalachian State University during the 2016-17 academic year. The Turchin Center for the Visual Arts is pleased to partner with the art department, particularly the clay concentration to present this important international artist. The clay concentration’s goal is to emphasis the conceptual understanding, perspective and language of clay while advancing student’s technical skills. The clay curriculum is enhanced by the Ceramic Speaker Series which brings visiting artists to the Appalachian State University campus for demos, critiques and lectures. Siping Zhang will show new work made during her residency as well as a selection of small works made in China.

In One: Siping Zhang

Artist statement

Different subjects vary widely in their form of expression, therefore, the combination of different forms in art will present a new insight. My artistic works attempt to use fire-scorched ceramics to freeze the unified combination and complementation of various forms of human body and the natural texture of materials to express the unique meaning of valuable moments in our life and harmony in our world.

– Siping Zhang

About the artist

Siping Zhang is a visiting artist/scholar in the Department of Art at Appalachian State University during the 2016-17 academic year.

Born in Shouguang city, Shandong province, China

1994 – 1998
Bachelor’s degree in sculpture, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute University

2001 – 2004
Master’s degree in sculpture, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute University

2004 – today
Teacher, Sculpture Department of Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute University. China’s urban sculpture design certificate

2014 – 2015
Visiting scholar in China Art Research Institute

2016 – 2017
Visiting scholar in art department of Appalachian State University

Exhibitions & Art works

Artist/Teacher/mentor for students.《Ding Hui Zhi Yuan》 in the “national college students Snow Sculpture contest”. Won the Second Prize.

Sculpture, porcelain《Qing Tang》Selected in Grand Palais Ceramic Art Exhibition

Sculpture, porcelain《the lock of the heart》Selected in the Twelfth National Art Exhibition of Sculpture Art exhibition. Collaboration work – sculpture by Zhang Si Ping, ceramic painting by husband, Zhao Chun lei

Sculpture, Porcelain 《Lotus Bud, series of 3 》, selected for the 12th National Art Exhibition of Ceramic Art . Collaboration work, sculpture by Zhang Si Ping, ceramic painting by husband, Zhao Chun lei

Series of 4 porcelain sculptures. Exhibition “The Fragrance Of The Soil “- The Jingdezhen Youth Teacher’s Work Exhibition” held in the collection of “ China’s Association Of Collectors” Beijing

Sculpture, porcelain《KUNGFU•CHINA》CCTV sculpture competition & exhibition, won the Nomination Prize

Sculpture, Porcelain – Exhibition, Fashion series, series 2 – Title – “Decoration”
Selected in the 1st “Chinese Contemporary Ceramic Art Exhibition” Jingdezhen

Artist/Teacher/mentor for students. 《status 》 in the “Harbin International Snow Sculpture contest”. Won the Second Prize.

2012.11, 8-12
Group exhibition, Ceramic Sculptures, Hangzhou, West Lake Expo

Sculpture, porcelain 《Series1 of the “Fashion Series”》 exhibition for the “9th National Ceramic Art Design Innovation competition”. Won the Silver Award

Sculpture, porcelain《Title – Hope》Selected for the Korean International Ceramic Exhibition

Sculpture, porcelain《Harmony 》Jiangxi province, “Youth Art Design Biennale”. Won the Second Prize

Sculpture, porcelain, Series of four – Title – “Love Rhyme”
Selected for the “Ninth National Ceramic Art Design Innovation Competition”

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