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/ Exhibitions / An Artist as Collector: Selected Works from the Permanent Collection Gifted by Dr. Margaret Polson

An Artist as Collector: Selected Works from the Permanent Collection Gifted by Dr. Margaret Polson

February 3, 2006 – April 18, 2006(This exhibition has passed.)

This exquisite collection focuses on an artist, collector, and patron of the Turchin Center and Appalachian’s Permanent Collection, Dr. Margaret ‘Peggy’ Polson. The exhibition features the artist’s own works, as well as works from her personal collection, and compliments the newest additions to the Permanent Collection and Ukiyo-e: Pictures of the Floating World: Japanese Woodblock Prints from the Collection of Margaret Polson.

An Artist as Collector: Selected Works from the Permanent Collection Gifted by Dr. Margaret Polson
Two Turnips by Margaret Polson. Charcoal/Paper. Photo credit: Brook Greene.

Two Turnips by Margaret Polson. Charcoal/Paper. Photo credit: Brook Greene.

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