K-12 Educators

Plan a visit or tour
The Turchin Center welcomes classes for free tours of all open galleries during regular operating hours. Tours can be customized to fit the needs of the group. Availability is based on staff and exhibition schedules and health/safety protocols. Please complete and submit the Class Group Tour Request form at least two weeks prior to the requested tour date.
Additional tour opportunities are available to all visitors, including the Rosen Self-Guided Walking Tour.
APPlause! K-12 Performing Arts Series
The APPlause! K-12 Performing Arts Series offers affordable music, dance, film, and theatre events to students and their teachers from K-12 classrooms across the region. For information about the current season, please visit theschaefercenter.org/applause.
Professional development opportunities for teachers
The Turchin Center for the Visual Arts offers CEU credit and documentation for K-12 teachers who attend lectures or workshops. Prior approval from the teacher’s school district is requested.
The Turchin Center offers Educators Tours in conjunction with the ARTtalk lecture series. Educators are offered an in-depth look at current exhibitions and informative tours designed to complement the artist’s lecture. Please contact Christy Chenausky, Director of Arts Education and Outreach with questions chenauskyc@appstate.edu.